* Allow `Hidden` options.
* Throw `OptionAlreadyAdded` errors for matching subcommands or options, with ignore-case included, tests
* `->ignore_case()` added to subcommands, options, and `add_set_ignore_case`. Subcommands inherit setting from parent App on creation.
* Subcommands now can be "chained", that is, left over arguments can now include subcommands that then get parsed. Subcommands are now a list (`get_subcommands`). Added `got_subcommand(App_or_name)` to check for subcommands.
* Added `.allow_extras()` to disable error on failure. Parse returns a vector of leftover options. Renamed error to `ExtrasError`, and now triggers on extra options too.
* Added `require_subcommand` to `App`, to simplify forcing subcommands. Do **not** do `add_subcommand()->require_subcommand`, since that is the subcommand, not the master `App`.
* Added printout of ini file text given parsed options, skips flags.
* Support for quotes and spaces in ini files
* Fixes to allow support for Windows (added Appveyor) (Uses `-`, not `/` syntax)
This tag has no release notes.